Current Visiting Scholars
Dr. Linqiang Yan has been working with Dr. Oceana Francis as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering since October 01, 2017. Dr. Yan has participated in the project of the Statewide Highway Shoreline Protection Program Study Update. Dr. Yang also has published a paper titled ‘Sea-Level Rise and Vertical Land Motion on the Islands of Oahu and Hawaii, Hawaii’ funded by this project. In Fall 2019, Dr. Yang is working as a co-instructor in the course CEE 696. In this course, he will teach students the knowledge and tools of the Surface-water Modelling System (SMS) software and instruct them to solve realistic coastal or riverine problems by using the software.
Past Visiting Scholars
The CEE department of the University of Hawaii at Manoa welcomes Prof. Sunny Jiang as the Bob Y. K. Wong Visiting Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Prof. Jiang is currently a full Professor (on sabbatical leave) and immediate past Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Irvine, and is a world-renowned expert in environmental engineering and microbiological water quality issues in coastal regions. During her visit, Prof. Jiang will (1) to conduct research on microbial water quality issues unique to tropical regions around the Pacific Basin, (2) to interact with Civil and Environmental Engineering undergraduate and graduate students, (3) to conduct and develop research collaboration with faculty of the Department and College, and (4) to provide research seminars to students, faculty and interested industry partners. Interested faculty members and students may contact Prof. Jiang at (Prof. Tao Yan wrote)
Dr. Hyesung Seok is an Assistant Professor of the Department of Industrial Engineering at Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea. Dr. Seok is joining CEE department for six months starting in May 2021 as a visiting scholar. Her research interests are related to optimization, machine learning, and data mining in various fields. During her visit to Hawaii, Dr. Seok will collaborate with Prof. DoSoo Moon on various research topics in structural engineering, especially for optimization and data mining in construction. Dr. Seok’s official profile can found in the link.
Dr. Seong-Jik Park is a Professor of the Department of Bioresources and Rural Systems Engineering at Hankyong National University, Anseong, South Korea. He is joining the CEE department as a one-year visiting scholar since January 2021 and will collaborate with Prof. Albert S. Kim. His research interests include sediment remediation/monitoring in a coastal area, river, and lakes, development of functional materials for wastewater treatment, advanced water treatment, and nutrient management in water and soil. Dr. Park’s accomplishments can be found on his website.

Dr. Xingxing Zou is a postdoctoral research fellow with the group of Assistant Professor Ningjun Jiang since June 2020. Before joining the University of Hawaii at Monoa, he graduated from Missouri University of Science and Technology with a PhD degree majoring in Civil Engineering. His research includes the applications of novel construction materials in bridges, development of nondestructive evaluation technologies for bridges, and the applications of artificial intelligence technologies in civil engineering. His research can be found here.

Dr. Sung Woo Shin is a Professor of the Department of Safety Engineering at Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea. Dr. Shin is joining CEE department for 1 year starting in September 2019 as a visiting scholar. His research interests are related to nondestructive testing of concrete, structural health monitoring, and computer vision based construction site safety monitoring. During his visit in Hawaii, Dr. Shin will collaborate with Prof. DoSoo Moon on various research topics in structural engineering especially for nondestructive testing and structural resiliency. Dr. Shin’s official profile can found here.

Dr. Lina Wu has been a visiting scholar with the cooperative supervisor, Associate Professor Guohui Zhang, since August 2019. She is an Assistant Professor in the School of Automobile and Traffic Engineering at Heilongjiang Institute of Technology in Harbin, China. Her research mainly focuses on traffic safety, sustainable transportation and intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The goal of her visit is to conduct collaborative research and exchange culture.

Dr. Xi Zhuo has been a visiting scholar under the mentorship of Professor Panos D. Prevedouros, since December 2018 . He is an associate professor in the College of Civil Engineering at Fuzhou University in Fuzhou, China. His research mainly focuses on traffic safety and intelligent transportation systems (ITS). The goal of his visit is to conduct collaborative research and offer lectures. He lectured on “ITS Policies and Applications in China” in the course CEE 661 on ITS throughout the Spring 2019 semester. He is working on the paper “Comprehensive Driveway Design for Urban Superblocks” with Dr. Prevedouros for submission this fall.
Professor Mark Davidson, Head of the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand has joined CEE for two months in Fall 2019 with support from the Erskine Fellowship. He will co-teach CEE 320 with Dr. Sayed Bateni. Chairman Prevedouros remarked that “we are very pleased to have Dr. Davidson visit and instruct students at our department again after his successful visit in the fall of 2017. Dr. Davisdson’s improvements to the hydraulics course and feedback on student preparation have been invaluable.” Dr. Davidson’s accomplishments can be found at his University of Canterbury faculty profile.

Dr. Paige Novak is the Dr. Alfred Yee Visiting Professor in our department in spring 2019 semester. Dr. Novak is Joseph T. and Rose S. Ling Chair in Environmental Engineering Professor at the Civil, Environmental and Geo Engineering at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Novak specializes in the biodegradation of contaminants and how to engineer systems to more effectively transform them . Dr. Novak’s research can be found at her Univ. of Minnesota faculty profile. Dr. Novak is offering CEE 696 Environmental Biotechnology in spring 2019.

Eftychia G. Nathanail is TTlog’s Director and Associate Professor in Transportation Systems Design and Evaluation of the Department of Civil Engineering, at the University of Thessaly. She has joined CEE for fall semester 2018 and spring semester 2019 as an Alfred Yee Visiting Professor, when she will be teaching Urban and Regional Transportation Planning and Freight Transportation and Logistics. Her fields of research are transportation planning, transportation system design, intelligent transportation systems, behavioral modeling, intermodal transportation, logistics, multicriteria evaluation and optimization. In her recent research, she assessed the impact of smart solutions in transportation, studied systems interconnecting long and short distance transportation for passengers and freight, analyzed the effect of collaborative schemes and information distributed systems on urban and interurban networks, evaluated efficiency of urban public transportation interchanges on travelers and society and coordinated the development and implementation of an educational curriculum for sustainable transport interchanges. Nathanail’s accomplishments can be found at her University of Thessaly faculty profile.

Dr. Gonzalo Corral joined the CEE Department in the Fall of 2018 to collaborate in geotechnical research and teach Geotechnical Engineering II (CEE 455) and Soil Behavior (CEE 696). His research interests are related to computational geotechnics, numerical modelling, constitutive models, soil behavior and earthquake geotechnical engineering. Dr. Corral received his PhD from MIT, his MSc from Universidad de Chile, and his structural engineering degree from Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. He’s been a researcher and professor at different universities and a geotechnical consultant in national and international projects. Dr. Corral’s professorship is funded by the generous donation of Geolabs Hawaii to the UH Foundation. Dr. Corral’s official profile can be found here.
Professor David J. Lovell is joining CEE for two semesters starting in Fall 2017 as part of his sabbatical leave. In addition to getting time to focus into his research endeavors and have some fun in Hawaii, Dr. Lovell contributes substantially to CEE by covering CEE 305 on statistics and collaborating with transportation faculty on various research topics. Dr. Lovell’s accomplishments can be found at his University of Maryland Faculty profile.

Professor Mark Davidson, Head of the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering at the University of Canterbury has joined CEE for two months in Fall 2017 in a collaboration with Dr. Sayed Bateni to convert a portion of CEE 320 course on fluid mechanics into a flipped-classroom course. Dr. Davidson’s accomplishments can be found at his University of Canterbury faculty profile.

Dr. Clay Naito, an expert in structures and Professor at Lehigh University, was the Alfred Yee Scholar for Spring 2017. He offered a graduate course on Blast Resistant Buildings and graduate seminars. Dr. Naito is a graduate of our department. Dr. Naito’s accomplishments can be found at his Lehigh University faculty profile.

Dr. David Mukai, an associate professor of Civil and Architectural Engineering at the University of Wyoming, visited our department in fall semester 2016 for teaching and research. Prof. Mukai taught a large class of CEE 270: Statics. His research focuses on theoretical fracture mechanics, reinforced concrete, and structural rehabilitation and monitoring. Dr. Mukai is a graduate of our department. Dr. Mukai’s accomplishments can be found at his University of Wyoming faculty profile.

Dr. Gleb Panteleev, an oceanographer who specializes in data assimilation for ocean waves, and hydrology applications at the University of Alaska, was the Alfred Yee Scholar in Spring 2016. He offered the senior level course Variational Data Assimilation Theory and Applications, and graduate seminars. Dr. Panteleev’s research can be found at the International Arctic Research Center site.

Dr. Teruo Nakai, an emeritus professor of Civil Engineering at the Nagoya Institute of Technology, visited our department in spring semester 2015 for teaching and research. Prof. Nakai taught a graduate course on Soil Behavior and Modeling. His research focuses on laboratory testing and constitutive modeling of geomaterials and their applications to boundary value problems such as tunnels, braced excavations, etc. Dr. Nakai also is a technical advisor of the Geo-Research Institute (GRI) and a visiting professor of Chubu University in Japan. His research can be found at his Nagoya Institute of Technology faculty profile.