Clark C.K. Liu
Emeritus Professor of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering
Office: Post 203
Phone: (808) 772-8271 (Cell)
Areas of Specialty and Research Interest
Hydrology/hydraulics, Water resources engineering, Environmental fluid mechanics, Desalination and water purification, Deep ocean water utilization and open ocean mariculture
- Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University 1976
- M.S., Civil Engineering, University of Mississippi 1969
- B.S., Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University1966
Professional Registration
- Registered Professional Engineer (PE), New York State, License No. 49255
- Professor Emeritus, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2012-present
- Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/ Professor and Chair, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1980-2011.
- Visiting Professor, National Taiwan University, 1987, 2002.
- Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 1984-85.
- Assistant Engineer/Senior Engineer/Senior Research Scientist, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 1970-80.
Professional Activities
- Member, US Environmental Protection Agency National Workgroup on the Verification of Water Quality Models (1979).
- Member, North China Water Project (1987-88). (Jointly sponsored by the East West Center, USA and the State Science and Technology Commission, China).
- Co-Chair (with Prof. M. Takahashi of Tokyo University), US-Japan Cooperative Workshop in Ocean Engineering Research (1990).
- Member, Graduate Council, University of Hawaii at Manoa, (1991-94).
- Member, State of Hawaii Board of Certification of Operating Personnel in Wastewater Treatment Facilities, State of Hawaii (1992-95).
- Technical Advisor, Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI),Hsin-Chu, Taiwan, ROC (1994-95).
- Co-Chair (with Prof. N. Liang of National Taiwan University), US-ROC(Taiwan) Joint Workshop on Deep Ocean Water and Ocean Resources Development (1995).
- Member, Council on Program Reviews (CORP), University of Hawaii (2000-03).
- Program Director for Environmental Engineering, US National Science Foundation (NSF) ( 2008-09).
- Keynote Speaker, 17th Mainland-Taiwan Environmental Protection Conference, Kunming, China (December 2015).
- Member, Program Assessment Committee of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University (2015-16).
- Member of the Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Sciences (2015-17).
Awards and Honors
- Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers (1999)
- Engineer of Distinction Award, University of Mississippi (2009)
Research Grant
- Liu, C.C.K. (P.I.) ‘Determination of the Relationship between Biodiversity and Trophic Status of Wahiawā Reservoir ‘, funded by US Geological Survey (USGS), 2010-11.
- Liu, C.C.K. (P.I.) ‘Survey and Modeling Analysis of MS4 Highway Storm Runoff on Oahu, Hawaii’ funded by Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT), 2008-10.
- Liu, C.C.K. (P.I.) ‘Modeling and Drainage Design for the Kaloi Gulch Watershed in Southern Oahu’ funded by R.M. Towill Corporation, 2007- 08.
- Liu, C.C.K. (P.I.) ‘Hydrologic Analysis of Hawaii Watersheds for Flood Control and Environmental Conservation’, funded by US Geological Survey (USGS), 2006 – 08.
- Liu, C.C.K. (P.I.) ‘Analytical Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling for the Estimation of Sustainable Yield of Pearl Harbor Aquifer’, funded by Hawaii Commission on Water Resources, 2004 – 05.
- Liu, C.C.K. (P.I.) ‘Wind-powered Reverse Osmosis Water Desalination for Pacific Islands and Remote Coastal Communities’, funded by US Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), 2004 – 05.
- Liu, C.C.K. (P.I.) ‘US-Korea cooperative Research on Wind-Powered Water Desalination’, funded by US National Science Foundation, 2003-05.
- Liu, C.C.K. (P.I.) ‘Artificial Upwelling and Mixing, Phase II’, funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), 1996 – 01.
- Takahashi, K.T. (P.I.) and Liu, C.C.K. (Co-P.I.) ‘U.S. – Taiwan Joint Seminar: Deep Ocean Water and Ocean Resources Development’, funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), 1994 – 97.
- Liu, C.C.K. (P.I.) ‘Development and Testing of a Wave-Driven Artificial Upwelling Device’, funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), 1992 – 95.
- Liu, C.C.K. (P.I.) and Loague, K. (Co-P.I.) ‘Compatibility of Physically Based and Linear System Solute Transport Modeling Approaches and Their Conjunctive Application’, funded by US Geological Survey (USGS), 1987 – 90.
- Green, R.E. (P.I.) and Liu, C.C.K. (Co-P.I.) ‘Pesticide Mobility Assessment Methodology for Agricultural Soils Contributing Recharge to Groundwater in Hawaii’, funded by US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1984 – 87.
Selected Publications
Prof. Liu is the author or coauthor of more than 100 scientific publications. The following is a partial list of refereed journal articles.
- Liu, C.C.K. (2018). Ocean thermal energy conversion and open ocean mariculture: The prospect of Mainland-Taiwan collaborative research and development, Sustainable Environmental Research, preprint:
- Lee, T.C. and Liu, C.C.K. (2018). Assessing eutrophocation potential of a freshwater lake by relating its bioproductivity and biodiversityL A case study of Lake Wilson on Central Oahu, Hawaii, Water 2018, 10, 296. www.
- San, L., Long, T. and Liu, C.C.K. (2017). Algal bioproductivity in turbulent water: An experimental study, Water 2017, 9, 304. www.
- Fan, W., Pan, Y., Liu, C.C.K., Wiltshire, J.C., Chen, C.A., and Chen, Y. (2015). Hydrodynamic design of deep ocean water discharge for the creation of a nutrient-rich plume in the South China Sea, Ocean Engineering, Vol. 108, pp. 356-368.
- Liu, C.C.K. (2013). Renewable-Energy-Driven reverse osmosis system for water desalination and aquaculture production, Integrative Agriculture, 12, No.8, pp. 1357-1362.
- Liu, C.C.K. and Dai, J. (2012). Seawater intrusion and sustainable yield of basal aquifers, Journal of the American Association of Water Resources (AWRA), Vol.48, No.5, pp.861-870.
- Liu, C.C.K., Xia, W. and Park, J.W., (2006). A Wind-driven Reverse Osmosis System for Wastewater Reuse and Nutrient Recovery, Desalination, Vol. 202, pp.24-30.
- Qin, G., Liu, C.C.K., Richman, N.H. and Moncur, J.E.T. (2005). Aquaculture Wastewater Treatment and Reuse by Wind-driven Reverse Osmosis Membrane Technology: A Pilot Study on Coconut Island, Hawaii, Aquaculture Engineering, 32, pp.365-378.
- Liu, C.C.K., Sou, I.M., and Lin, H. (2003). Artificial upwelling and near-field mixing of a nutrient-rich deep-ocean water plume, Marine Environmental Engineering,7, No.1, pp.1-14.
- Liu, C.C.K., Park, J.W., Migita, R. and Qing, G. (2002). Prototype Experiments of a Wind-Driven Reverse Osmosis Desalination System, Desalination, Vol. 150, No. 3, pp. 277-287.
- Liu, C.C.K., Loague, K.M. and Feng, J.S. (1991). Fluid flow and solute transport in unsaturated heterogeneous soils: Numerical experiments, Contaminant Hydrology, Vol. 7, pp. 261-283.
- Liu, C.C.K., Lau, L.S. and Mink, J.F. (1983). Groundwater model for a thick freshwater lens, Ground Water, Vol. 2, N. 3, pp. 293-300.
- Liu, C.C.K. (1982). Filtering of dissolved oxygen data in stream water quality analysis, Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 15-20.
- Liu, C.C.K. and Brutsaert, W.H. (1978).A non-linear analysis of the relationship between rainfall and runoff for extreme floods, Water Resources Research, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 75-83.