Amin Rafiei
Assistant Professor of Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering
Office: Holmes Hall 340
Phone: (808) 956-6628
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Areas of Specialty and Research Interest
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Marine Geotechnics applied to Ocean Renewable Energy Foundations and Coastal Resilience
- Soil Dynamics and Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering
- Slope Instability and Geohazard Assessment
- Numerical and Experimental Geotechnics
- Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, North Carolina State University, 2019
- M.Sc. in Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, 2015
- B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, 2012
- Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa, August 2022 – Present.
- Lecturer and Postdoctoral Research Scholar, University of New Hampshire, 2020-2022
- Lecturer and Postdoctoral Research Scholar, North Carolina State University, 2020
Courses Taught (in the last five years)
- CEE 355 Geotechnical Engineering I (F’22, F’23)
- CEE 696 Marine Geotechnics (S’ 23)
- CEE 455 Geotechnical Engineering II (S’23)
- CEE653 Advanced Soil Mechanics (F’24)
Professional Activities
- Member, Offshore Technology Conference ASCE Committee
- Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Member, Marine Energy Council (MEC)
Awards and Honors
- Sustainability Award, University of New Hampshire, 2021
- International GSI Fellowship Grant from Geosynthetic Science Institute, 2019
- Mentor Teaching Fellowship, North Carolina State University, 2018
- Graduate Study Scholarship, North Carolina State University, 2015-2019
Research Grants
- Amin Rafiei (Co-P.I.) “Coupled Fluid-Structure-Soil Interaction (FSSI) Design for Marine
Energy Foundations: Numerical Investigations”, funded by Department of Energy–Marine Energy
Program, 2024-2028. - Amin Rafiei (Co-P.I.) “RAPID/Collaborative Research: Investigating the Liquefaction
Susceptibility of Calcareous Sand in Hawaii with an Enhanced NHERI@UTexas Large Mobile
Shaker”, funded by National Science Foundation–CMMI Division, 2023-2024 - Amin Rafiei (Co-P.I.) “Geo-hazard Assessments of Wave-Driven Submarine Landslides”, funded
by University of Hawaii Vice Provost for Research and Scholarship–Undergraduate Research
Opportunities Program, 2023 - Amin Rafiei (Co-P.I.) “Mitigation of Wave-Induced Liquefaction within Seabed Supporting the
Foundations of Marine Renewable Energy Devices: Modeling Progressively-Developed Pore
Water Pressure Due to Cyclic Wave Loading”, funded by North Carolina Coastal Studies Institute
–NCOREP Program, 2020-2021
Selected Publications
- Rafiei A., “Analysis of Wave-Driven Residual Pore Water Pressure and Liquefaction in Sloping Seabed Supporting Marine Structures Considering Effect of Initial Static Shear Stresses”, ASCE
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironemntal Engineering (in press). - Rafiei A., Rahman M.S., Gabr M.A., “Evaluation of Wave-Induced Instability of Nearly Saturated Sandy Slopes under Partially Undrained Condition: A Case Study of Landslide in Fraser River Delta
Front”, Journal of Computers and Geotechnics, 2023. DOI: - Rafiei A., Rahman M.S., Gabr M.A., and Ghayoomi M., “Analysis of Wave-Induced Submarine Landslides in Nearly Saturated Sediments at Intermediate Water Depth”, Journal of Marine
Georesources & Geotechnology, 2021. DOI: 10.1080/1064119X.2021.2001610. - Rafiei A., Rahman M.S., Gabr M.A., “Response and Instability of Sloping Seabed Supporting Small Marine Structures: Wave-Structure-Soil Interaction Analysis”, ASME Journal of Offshore Mechanics
and Arctic Engineering, 2021, DOI: 10.1115/1.4052864. - Rafiei A., Rahman M.S., Gabr M.A., “Coupled Analysis for Response and Instability of Sloping Seabed under Wave Action”, Elsevier Journal of Applied Ocean Research, 2019, DOI:
10.1016/j.apor.2019.04.017. - Rafiei A., Vahdani S., Badiei P., “Forced Vibration of Dam and Reservoir Using SBFEM”, International Journal of Technical Research and Applications, Special Issue 9 (Nov-Dec 2014), PP. 09-11.
- Rafiei, A., and Al Ababneh, A., “Shear Slide Analysis of Sloping Seabed Caused by Waves Using Random Finite Element Method”, Geotechnical Frontiers, Louisville, KY, 2025 (in press).
- Rafiei, A., and Hassan, F., “Wave-Induced Evaluation of Residual Pore Water Pressure around Marine Structures under Anisotropic Geostatic Stress Conditions.” Geotechnical Frontiers. Louisville, KY,
2025 (in press). - Rafiei A., Gabr M.A., Rahman M.S., “Analysis of Wave-Driven Progressive Buildup of Excess Pore Water Pressure in Sands Supporting Marine Hydrokinetic Devices”, Offshore Technology Conference,
Houston, Texas, 2023, DOI: - Rafiei A., Gabr M.A., Rahman M.S., Ghayoomi M., “Cyclic Response and Instability Analysis of Seabed with Cohesionless Soils due to Surging Waves”, OMAE 2021, DOI: 10.1115/OMAE2021-62635.
- Rafiei A., Rahman M.S., Gabr M.A., “Coupled Analysis of Wave, Structure, and Sloping Seabed Interaction: Response and Instability of Seabed”, Geo-Congress, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2019, DOI:
10.1061/9780784482124.019. - Rafiei A., Gabr M.A., Rahman M.S., “Wave-Induced Instability of Seabed beneath Geotextile Sand Containers”, Geosynthetics Conference, Houston, Texas, 2019.